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Fleece beanie hat free sewing pattern (3yrs-adult)

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There is nothing like a fleecy hat to keep your head warm. This designer has made an awesome Beanie Hat Pattern which is FREE and which comes in four sizes. It's a great sewing project for beginners and it gives you an excuse to use up all your leftover fleece.

There is nothing like a fleecy hat to keep your head warm. This fleece beanie can be worn down low over the ears and neck in the bitterest of cold weather, or turn up the edge if it’s not so cold.

This designer has made an awesome Beanie Hat Pattern which is FREE and which comes in four sizes.  It’s a great way to use up any smaller pieces of fleece left over from other projects. Makes a great stocking stuffer too. You can also make fun character hats, or hats for kids in their favorite colors, team or school colors, or in licenced or branded fleece prints and fabrics.

Check out team fleece fabrics here  or collegiate fleece fabrics here or a full range of more than 1,000 fleece fabrics here.

It’s a great sewing project for beginners and it gives you an excuse to use up all your leftover fleece. It’s a basic pattern but you can spruce it up if you wish by adding some pom poms.

This unisex pattern is made in four different sizes as follows:

  1. A 3 to 6 year old child
  2. A 7 to 9 year old child
  3. A preteen/small adult
  4. A large adult.

If you would like to add a scarf set to the beanie the designer has included instructions for that as well.

Click here for the FREE pattern