Boys Sweater FREE sewing pattern for 18 months, size 4 & size 6
|This is a really simple sewing pattern and tutorial for a boy’s sweater that is FREE and comes in three sizes:
- 18 months,
- Size 4,
- Size 6.
The generous designer, Kelly from Sew a Little Seam, describes her project as a super quick sew and you have an unlimited amount of ways to make the pattern your own.
Kelly used a lightweight sweater knit fabric, that works great under a t-shirt.
It’s always a pleasure for us when we find patterns for boys and when they are FREE it’s a super bonus!
What you will need to make a Boys Sweater:-
- Approximately 3/4 of a yard of sweater knit or similar fabric,
- Stretch or ball point needles,
- Stretch twin needles,
- Matching Thread,
- The Pattern,
- Your Neckband: For the 18 months and size 4 sizes, cut out a strip of fabric that is 1 3/4″ by 16″. For size 6, cut a strip of fabric that is 1 3/4″ by 17″.
Please note that the seam allowance is 3/8″ unless noted otherwise. Also when using knits, make sure you are using a stretch stitch. The designer used a overedge stitch, but a narrow zig-zag or any other stretch stitch will work.
If you would like to add any of those 3 FREE sizes of pattern to your collection you can click on the link below.
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